
DofE Gold Ceremony 2024


We are thrilled to announce that two of our talented students were awarded the Gold Medal of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Senate House. Their commitment and success is a great inspiration to our whole school. More photos here

DofE – Bronze and Silver Awards


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a global program that operates in over 130 countries. The program was created in Great Britain as a means of promoting the self-development of young boys. It was, and still is, designed for everyone, regardless of their background, physical abilities, skills or interests. As early as 1958 it […]

DofE stříbrná expedice, říjen 2023


Další skupina našich žáků plnící program Mezinárodní cena vévody z Edinburghu vyrazila na svou cvičnou/ostrou expedici, tentokrát mapovat historické objekty a přírodní krásy a fenomény jižní Moravy, oblast Pálavy. Třídenní putování s batohy a zásobami, pěkné počasí, přechod Pálavy, průchod vinicemi, kolem Nových Mlýnů a podél Dyje, cestou necestou. Vše dle podmínek DofE expedic zvládli, […]

DofE Silver Expedition, October 2023


Another group of our students fulfilling the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award set off on their practice/qualifying journey, this time to map historical objects and natural beauties and phenomena of South Moravia, the Pálava region. A three-day journey with backpacks and supplies, nice weather, crossing the Pálava, passing through vineyards, around Nové Mlýn and along […]

2022 Movember Fun Run & Walk ‚Protect Your NUTS!!!‘


The 1st International School of Ostrava prides itself on being a school that gives back to the community, and on Sunday they did just that by supporting the Movember Fun Run & Walk ‚Protect Your NUTS!!!‘ 2022. Organized by onhttps://www.dofe.cze of the ISO staff members, Drew Cooney, the event helped raise awareness about the importance […]

DOFE Bronze Training Expedition, May 2022 Ostrava and Hlučín region


2 teams, 15 members, 13 + 14 kilometers, mapping of military objects and creation of herbariums, working with a map, camping by the water, cooking and campfire, pleasant weather, forests, fields, towns. All this was the premiere training expedition for newcomers to the DofE program. They managed everything and we can already look forward to […]

DofE Adventurous Journeys


Recently, during a beautiful sunny weekend, two teams completed their adventurous journeys and successfully completed their Bronze and Silver Awards. Everything went according to plan and both in Pálava and in the Beskydy the groups met their goals and successfully reached the finish line!   #dofeczech #zazijdofe #matocenu #WorldReady

DofE goes on!


Good morning everybody, we are sending DofE greetings to all of you no matter if you are or if you are not a DofE participant. Everybody (age 14+) can join this wonderful programme, even now when you are at home. We have welcomed some new participants recently, this is great, thank you for joining us. Well, here […]

DofE Gold Award 2019


Our Gold Awardees received their awards and badges at the Golden Ceremony in Prague in late October. Congratulations and carry on challenging yourselves!

Zlatá expedice DofE – Bieszczady 2018


28.- 31. srpna 2018 absolvovali naši studeni úspěšně zlatou expedici programu DofE. Během těchto 4 náročných dnů (vlci, medvědi, neprostupný les a strmé svahy) ušli kolem 80 km a nastoupali více než 4500 metrů. Gratulujeme! Fotogalerie k dispozici zde

Congratulations to the Gold Award go to Kristýna, Eva and Petr!


Congratulations to the Gold Award go to Kristýna, Eva and Petr! Their long experiential journey took almost two years. During completing their awards, they had to reach their goals, overcome some obstacles, they gained new experience, comptences and skills, and they discovered new opportunities and sometimes even themselves. On Tuesday, their mission was accomplished and […]

Our community school has been supporting the DofE programme for several years…


Our community school has been supporting the DofE programme for several years. This year there are more than 30 participants doing their various challenges. The Annual Breakfast Event gets together all supporters and coordinators of this worldwide programme in the Czech Republic. This year, it took place at the British Embassy in Prague and our […]

DofE & H.E. Jan Thompson is a British Ambassador to the Czech Republic


H.E. Jan Thompson is a British Ambassador to the Czech Republic. And Great Britain is the home of the Duke of Edinburgh´s International Award (DofE), which is a worldwide and great programme for young people. It might happen that the Award will be given to you by a member of the British Royal family! Do […]

Vyhlášení DofE


30.11.2016 jsme se účastnili oficiálního DofE vyhlášení v Praze. Naši studenti byli velmi úspěšní a dostali se až na stříbrnou úroveň DofE programu! Celý den byl velkou výzvou a naši studenti si odnesli neocenitelné zkušenosti a zážitky. Každý z nich si vyzkoušel například capoeira, přežít dobrodružnou expedici nebo pomáhat starším. Všem moc gratulujeme a držíme […]