Global development education


The main goal of global development education is to make people accept their share of responsibility for the situation in the world.

Global development education

Global development education is a lifelong learning process that helps us understand the differences, similarities and connections between the lives of people in developing and developed countries and facilitates the understanding of the economic, social, political, environmental and cultural processes that affect them. It develops skills and supports the creation of values ​​and attitudes so that people are able and willing to actively participate in solving local and global problems.

Global development education tends to accept responsibility for creating a world where all people have the opportunity to live a dignified life.

The school is involved in the 1Planet4All project supported by the European Union. The project is implemented by the organization People in Need, educational program Variants.

1Planet4All – PBL


PBL Day – led by Active Citizens, Wednesday 31/03. Let´s enjoy the topics connected with climate issues and sustainability.

Project Aluminium


A students´ led project as an output of the Project Based Learning Days. The main topic is environment and recycling of aluminium things at school.

Every year we participate in the national fundraising event called „Světluška/Firefly“…


We educate and lead our students to be involved in some fundraising and charity events and activities. We develop their civic competencies in order to be aware of people in need around us. Therefore, every year we participate in the national fundraising event called „Světluška/Firefly“. This fund supports visually impaired children and adults. Our students […]

Let´s Clean and Be Keen!


Hello everybody, it is the third year in row we are organising this super volunteering event in cooperation with the national institution and campaign – Ukliďme Česko. Well, in the name of our Active Citizens you are all invited to join our team and support the environment a bit. See all the necessary information in […]

Project Based Learning – „What is sustainability and how does it work?“


This week we are looking for an answer on the question „What is sustainability and how does it work?“. Students and teachers are engaged in many various workshops focused on the topic of sustainability. We are exploring, researching, discussing, sharing, creating, learning – about sustainable cities, rainforests, clothes, coffee, renewable resources, waste, tourism, social matters […]

Workshop rovné příležitosti ve společnosti a práce s jinakostí


Volunteers from AFS Intercultural Programmes lead an interesting workshop  for students from grades 10 and 11on the 8th of December. The topic was equal opportunities, antidiscrimination and intercultural education. The aim of the workshop is to develop citizenship and anti discrimination by interactive games so that the students can adapt to the quickly changing society, […]

Exkurze v rámci projektu Emise v Brně – RECETOX – Centrum pro výzkum toxických látek v prostředí


V pátek 1. 12. 2017 jsme navšítili v rámci projektu Emise v Brně RECETOX – Centrum pro výzkum toxických látek v prostředí.   Centrum je samostatným ústavem Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, který realizuje výzkum, vývoj, výuku a expertní činnost v oblasti znečištění prostředí toxickými látkami. Předmětem zájmu jsou především perzistentní organické polutanty (POPs), polární organické […]

Odborná exkurze na meteorologické stanici Lysá hora – EMISE


Dne 10. 11. 2017 jsme  v rámci projektu Emise vyrazili spolu s naší partnerskou školou ZŠ a MŠ Bohumín, Dr. E. Beneše 456 na Lysou horu a zúčastnilli se odborné exkurze na meteorologické stanici Lysá hora.  Zde nám byl poskytnut odborný výklad, např. jak fungují meteorologické přístroje a technika na horách, jak se používá automatické a manuální […]

We are the World School!!!


After two years of intensive and continuous work of the whole project team we are happy to announce that we were accredited a title WORLD SCHOOL. It means that the school has incorporated and realised some important and significant actions within the field of the environmental education and global development goals. A very big thank […]

World School


Basic information about the project World School 1st International School of Ostrava this year, defends the title „Světová Škola“ (World School, an education variant of the People in Need). The basic idea of the project World School is promoting education and prepare students for real life in a globalized world. It is based on a […]

Projekt Emise


  1st International of Ostrava je partnerem Projektu Emise Slezského gymnázia v Opavě. Více informací na   Reklamní spot projektu Emise   26.4.2016 naši studenti poprvé navštívili Slezské gymnázium a více se dozvěděli o projektu Emise.   30.5.2016 se v Opavě pan Ivo Helebrant, Nina Pavelková a Hana Blažková zúčastnili informační schůzky škol zapojených do projektu. […]