

During the school year the school offers a lot of other opportunities for students and parents to actively participate in events. We motivate students to leave their comfort zone and realize and experience something different, real, new, practical and inspiring. All these activities and projects help to develop soft skills, deepen the knowledge and encourage personal and professional development. At the same time they put participants into an active role whilst refering to local or global context.



We cordially invite everyone to our traditional school Graduation Ball 2025, which will take place on Friday March 7, 2025, at the DK Poklad in Ostrava-Poruba.   A rich entertainment and interesting program awaits us, music band Neo Chess Sunny R&R Band and later on a DJ will play for dancing and listening. We strongly […]

Graduation Ball 2024


Our annual Graduation Ball took place in the lovely premises of Poklad Culture House in Ostrava-Poruba. As part of the social and musical entertainment there was a sashing ceremony of our almost-graduates, who then presented us with their dance performance, to the delight of the audience. The COTYBOTY band played for dancing and listening, and […]

Pevnost poznání Olomouc


With Christmas quickly approaching, our younger students were able to mix the enjoyable with the practical. They travelled to Olomouc to the ‚Pevnost poznání‘ science museum, where they worked with microscopes for the first time and deepened their knowledge of cells and protists in the programme ‚World in a Drop of Water‘. This was followed […]

ISO Merchandising


The school merch e-shop is now open! New in stock – Under Armor collection, ECO products and pastel hoodies. As a school, we have created our own school leisure-clothing collection which can currently be purchased at the e-shop here: https://www.kraloveskoly.cz/isostrava/ Ordering has already started and will be possible until October 19, 2023. Afterwards, the e-shop […]

GVUO ‚Fragments of Memory‘


What time and mood do the paintings take us to? Our art students, like the author, were inspired by photos and tried to interpret them with charcoal or soft pastel drawings. Thanks to The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava / Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě for their educational program ‚Fragments of Memory‘ to accompany […]

Chotěbuz: Slavic Days


With juniors we experienced an authentic Slavic Day at Archeopark Chotěbuz, where we witnessed not only their battles, but also their everyday life. We were shown what they ate, how they dressed, what they produced and how demanding their lives were. We also saw a performance about the killing of the patron saint of our […]

Bike to Work


Also in May this year, our five-member team of teachers supported the national Bike to Work event, which takes place throughout May, with cycling and other sports activities. We did something for the environment around us and supported a healthy lifestyle. In total, we rode or walked 2105 km and saved the equivalent of 272 […]

Cake Day – Mobilní hospic Ondrášek


We want to thank everyone who contributed to our Cake Day and bought something! We raised 5 628 CZK which is on its way to Mobilní hospic Ondrášek– https://www.mhondrasek.cz/

Winter Trek


Every winter we go on an annual Winter Hike in Beskydy mountains with our pupils. This year we have planned an interesting route in the vicinity of Mosty u Jablunkova, up and down the hill to the Skalka hut, 11 km, in beautiful winter conditions. Along the way, students complete tasks related to the route, […]

Excursion / Department of Chemistry at the University of Ostrava


Our students of the science seminar took part in an excursion to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ostrava. In the beginning they had a lecture with the doc. Slovák about the conditions of studying at universities. This was followed by laboratory exercises, namely spectacular experiments with fire, determination of energy value of […]

The 10th jubilee conference in honor of the Václav Havel Prize laureate for human rights, Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza…


This year, our students again learned about human rights from the most knowledgeable: Karim Khan – chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Evgenia Kara-Murza – wife of this year’s laureate of the Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza’s Prize, Denys Rabomizo – representative of the Ukrainian coalition At 5 o’clock in the […]

Ski and Snowbooard Trip, Saalbach-Hinterglemm, 2022


Objective: riding, new experiences, fun, adaptation to new environments and climatic conditions, friendship, support, Snowmen for Africa. Location: Saalbach Hinterglem, Austria Who: 44 skiers and boarders + 6 instructors

Democracy in Media Education (DIME)


The Democracy in the Media Education (DIME) is an international project of four partner countries (The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) funded by the Visegrad Fund. It focuses on various methods in media education and it supports the critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration of participants and development of their creativity and communication, a […]

Public Event of DIME Project – (Re)Make the Truth


The overall aim of the event: introduction to media literacy project dissemination public debate about the profession of a photographer and his/her perspectives of taking pictures and finding the truth behind them The aim / description of each session: Official Introduction – welcome and line up of the evening, why Mr Straka, why ISO Key […]

ISO Beskydy Winter Trek 2020


We always want our students to experience something new, unique, challenging and educational. Therefore we organized the 3rd Annual ISO Winter Trek 2020 and we hiked 12 kilometres in Beskydy mountains, from Bystřice to Návsí. Up to the hill, two peaks, down the hill. Students were challenged both by the natural conditions and Trek Worksheet […]

Fake News, half truths and propaganda…


Fake News, half truths and propaganda… Manipulation as old as human beings, however in this rapid online era more significant and widely exploited. The way this phenomenon emerges was shown and explained using concrete examples by two foreign correspondents Jakub Szántó and Petr Zavadil. Thank you very much!



(RE)MAKE THE TRUTH.Creative workshop focus on the media literacy. Students work with photographs and discovery the different points of view on the given photos. They look for the answer of the question – is it possible to record the truth on the photo. #DIME #VISEGRADFUND The project is supported by Visegrad fund

PBL – Love


Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. This time the topic was LOVE and students answered the question „What’s love got do with it?“  

Blast-furnace tour in Dolní Vítkovice


Students visited the blast furnace in Dolní Vítkovice based on their project from chemistry and physics. They improved their knowledge of production of crude iron and its further use in practice. An interesting part of this excursion was also a section devoted to the history of iron production in our region.

Od DNA k proteinu


Students have tested the proteosynthesis within the biology lesson. The Game was made by experts from the Science and Technology Centrum. Thank you!

How to Mummify a Chicken


During the history lessons student learnt about mummification in Ancient Egypt by doing the real mummy of the chicken.  

Sociology days at the University of Ostrava


Sociology days at the University of Ostrava – a chance to apply the theory from lesson to practical life and understand that sociology is an interesting and practical science.

Winter Trek 2019


The hiking in the winter conditions in the mountains, teambuilding, work with information about local environment and people of Frenštát pod Radhoštěm – these were the aims of our second annual Winter Trek of ISO students, teachers and parents. This year, after our journey by train, we followed tourist path from Frenštát pod Radhoštěm to […]

A fun pre-Christmas preparation for maturita exams


A fun pre-Christmas preparation for maturita exams – reactions of cations and anions with reagents, forming of coloured precipitations and their solubility in acids and alkali solutions. Xmass tree prepared by students from tercie.  

Literary and Cultural Trip to England


Our students are regularly offered various experiential events and projects to support their connection of the academic side of their lives with the real world. Therefore, in autumn 2018 we organized educational trip to England to trace the footprints of famous English writers such as William Shakespeare and his Globe Theatre or J.K. Rowling and […]

PBL (Project Based Learning) – 100 YEARS


Our PBL Days are over. We devoted four days to history, development, events and famous persons of Czechoslovak history. We put everything into the cultural, political and social background and international context. We experienced various workshops, tours, experiential activities, film and play. In the end, teams performed their best in the form of Pecha Kucha […]

Zážitkový workshop Doma a jinde


Včera se naši žáci v Centrum PANT přenesli do období mezi 1. a 2. světovou válkou. Ne tak docela, samozřejmě, ale formou zážitkoveho workshopu Doma a jinde se o to pokusili… Vše připravili a koordinovali lektoři z Post Bellum. Děkujeme! https://www.postbellum.cz/co-delame/workshopy/doma-a-jinde/

Václav Havel here and now


A beautiful debate with a man who was at the birth of democracy in Czechoslovakia. We thank to Mr Michael Zantovsky for sharing his views on Václav Havel, on translation, on civic responsibility. We thank to Vaclav Havel’s Library for everything it does tirelessly for democracy, human rights and Václav Havel’s legacy. Last but not […]

Vzdělávací výlet do Brna – Humanitní seminář II.


Minulý týden se naši studenti humanitního semináře II. zúčastnili vzdělávacího výletu do Brna. Součástí výletu bylo divadelní představení Dynastyje v divadle Husa na provázku pojednávající o vzniku a vývoji Lehman Brothers a celé západní ekonomiky 18. – 20. století, jakož i pádu této finanční společnosti související s okolnostmi finanční krize roku 2008, která přerostla v […]

MAD RACE Ostrava 2018


This uncommon race of common people has become a traditional challenge for some of our teachers and students. Somebody just wants to have fun with friends, somebody wants to run in a forest, along a path, across a field and manage to go over some decent number of various obstacles which wait for the runners. […]

Softball 2018


V neděli jsme si společně se školní komunitou The Ostrava International School zahráli softbal. Cílem je, samozřejmě kromě hry samotné, propojit všechny členy obou školních komunit a přátele, užít si méně formální den než ve škole a prostě se pobavit a ještě si u toho zasportovat. Vše se povedlo – zápasy, počasí, atmosféra. Velké poděkování […]

We look for new challenges – Porubajk 2018


We look for new challenges. We wanna try something new. We support teamwork. Therefore, we nominated ISO MTB Team consisting of three students and one teacher to the MTB race Porubajk 2018. A beautiful weather, 38 km across fields, forests, open air swimming pool, spa, through small villages and up a skiing slope, over the […]

Lecture on Cyber warfare with Mr. Tomáš Pojar, M.A. from the university CEVRO Institut


Mr. Tomáš Pojar, M.A. from the university CEVRO Institute visited our school today. Mr. Pojar is a diplomat, Vice-President of CEVRO Institut, Director of the MBA program Cyber Security at CEVRO Institute, former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Israel, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and CEO of Člověk v tísni. […]

Not only dance workshop with CIKNEČHAVE!


Today was full of colours, laughter and mainly about dance… for positive atmosphere and energy charged not only dance workshop a big thank you to Veronika Kačová and her sisters – Emily and Irenka from the dance company CIKNEČHAVE!  

Winter Ball 2018


The 1st International School of Ostrava is honoured to present the graduates of 2018. The Winter Ball took place in Landek Park on the 17th February. We hope that all of you enjoyed the night and that the memories will forever remain in your hearts. More photos on our fb page – Winter Ball 2018

Tomáš Kusák – 1. místo v kategorii próza


V pondělí se náš student – Tomáš Kusák zúčastnil recitační soutěže v divadle Aréna pořádané Gymnáziem Olgy Havlové, a obsadil krásné 1. místo v kategorii próza. Tímto mu vřele gratulujeme a Gymnáziu Olgy Havlové děkujeme za pozvání a organizaci.  

Day in the Totalitarianism


Day in the totalitarianism – Thanks to the organization Post Bellum and their workshop Tak tohle neprojde our students got to the 80s of the 20th century. Through active role playing they have developed their attitudes to freedom of expression and censorship. The students became dissidents and during three illegal meetings they created their own […]

„Středoškolák, vysokoškolák“


Každoroční výstava školství „Středoškolák, vysokoškolák“ se uskuteční 1. a 2.12. na Výstavišti Černá Louka. Návštěvníci, především žáci základních škol a jejich rodiče, mají možnost na jednom místě získat informace o možnostech středoškolského, ale i vysokoškolského studia. Více informací na http://cerna-louka.cz/cs/stredoskolak-vysokoskolak-2017

PBL (Project Based Learning) – 100 YEARS


Včera jsme zahájili naše další Projektové dny, tentokrát na téma 100 LET a otázku „Co za 100 let dala Česká republika světu? Shlédli jsme již filmový dokument „King Skate“, divadelní představení „Smíření“, probíhají workshopy „Stoleté kořeny“, tematické sekce o sportu, historii, vědě, trávení volného času, subkulturách, letcích v RAF, umění, zdobíme tematicky školu.   Více […]

A Tribute to Invention – Vlastimil Hofman


Today we visited an exhibition A Tribute To Invention during our art lesson. The exhibition is a tribute to a unique person of many talents, an architect, a stage designer and a painter Vlastislav Hofman. This exhibition introduces the artist’s scenographic work, architectural designs, painting, graphics and applied art. We also attended the gallery workshop […]

Three of our students are members of Michálkovice Voluntary fire brigade …


Three of our students are members of Michálkovice Voluntary fire brigade. They took part in Czech championship in the discipline called Plamen at the beginning of July and … they WON! Congratulations and here is a brief interview about their hobby. How did you get to firefighting sport? R+B: Me and my brother found this sport […]

Kulturtag / Jour de la culture / Día de la Cultura


Protože kolik jazyků znáš, tolikrát jsi člověkem! Protože být mezinárodní neznamená mluvit jen anglicky! Protože nový jazyk znamená novou životní příležitost! Dnes proběhl na MEZINÁRODNÍM gymnáziu první skutečně MEZINÁRODNÍ den. Měli jsme tak jedinečnou příležitost zažít kulturu cizích zemí a ochutnat speciality z německy a španělsky mluvících zemí. V knihovně probíhalo čtení v německém, španělském […]

Let us look back to 2016/2017 and our new and fresh alumni…


Let us look back to 2016/2017 and our new and fresh alumni. Both classes passed the Maturita exams with very nice results. Ten students passed with honour, moreover, five of them passed with all excellent grades from all subjects! The averages were 1,34 (VIII-IS-A) a 2,01 (4-IS-B). Furthermore, students of 13A passed both Maturita and […]

The science excursion


On Wednesday 7th June 2017 the science excursion of grade 8A and grade 11B took place. The students visited the unique handmade paper mill Velké Losiny and pumped-storage hydro power plant Dlouhé Stráně. They explored the details of handmade paper production, a principle of pumped-storage hydro power plant and thanks to fine weather we could […]

Mad Race 2017


We like unconventional challenges and events, and so we joined the Mad Race 2017 for the third time. It took place on Saturday, June 3, near Vaňkuv kopec. Despite the exhausting heat we set up one teacher team and two students. 8 km of run, 20 obstacles from overpassing, crawling, skipping, wading, crawling, carrying and […]

Art Lab


Art students visited the Gallery PLATO Ostrava yesterday. The Gallery PLATO prepared an educational program called Art Lab for our students – an art lab that changes the general belief that there is an insurmountable gap between science and art. The program brought us information about contemporary art, but also linked this area with the […]

Let’s Clean and Be Keen!


We inspire the members of the school community to be active citizens who participates in public events and support volunteering. Therefore, we joined the national volunteering event „Ukliďme Česko“. Sixteen participants were cleaning a chosen area the whole morning and they did a great job! The park and forest were full of various garbage. We […]

Ski and Snowboard Trip 2017


Riding down the hill. a physial activity, varied climatic conditions, the rules in conduct of behaviour in an unknown environment, collaboration and personal challenges. Austria, Ost Tirol und Karnten, 5 days, 47 participants, sun and snow, lots of experience, skiers and snowboarders, a blue bus. The video is also available at the youtube channel 1stISOgympl. […]

Egg tempera painting


We had great fun in art class this Wednesday! As part of our block on the Renaissance, we explored egg tempera painting.

School clubs offer for school year 2016/2017.


V odpoledních hodinách po vyučování nabízíme našim žáků možnost zapojit se do různorodých volnočasových klubů. Přesný časový harmonogram rádi poskytneme na vyžádání. Roční poplatek je 500 Kč. Sportovní klub Bulldogs – basketbal, fotbal a florbal Studentský časopis Nothing ISOMUN – modelová žákovská organizace zasedání OSN Active Citizens – komunitní vzdělávání a dobrovolnictví se zapojením do […]

Let The World Come to You


Let the World Come to You Soutěž týmů v prezentačních dovednostech…. in English!!! Let the World Come to You již tradičně prověřuje kvality týmů studentů základních škol v Moravskoslezském kraji, nejen v prezentačních dovednostech, ale především v angličtině. První ročník soutěže se uskutečnil již v roce 2008 s tématem Země světa. Již tehdy soutěž zaznamenala nemalý úspěch. V dalších […]