

30. 5. 2019

I come from Thailand and I’m an exchange student from YFU (=Youth for Understanding: Non-profit international educational organization offers intercultural exchange programs for teenagers, families, schools and communities; They offered me an exchange program in one of the international schools. And I chose Czech Republic because it’s in central Europe and I can travel to other countries. It’s different for me, because I don’t study at an international school in Thailand. I study in Thai there and we have only one science subject in each grade, so it’s difficult for me here to study three sciences within one grade but I like it. I also like, that ISO building is not too big, we can go to other classrooms and meet with other classmates. Another positive thing is that there are not too many students in one class. I believe I can improve my English here because I want to study the international business at university in Thailand.

Táňa Micková

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