

18. 1. 2021

I joined ISO at the beginning of the ninth grade. And even though I came to a class where everyone had known each other for a few years, I was surprised at how quickly I became part of a great team. Not only my classmates, but mainly my teachers were my support from the beginning. After a few days at this school, I knew this was exactly the school. Cheerfully decorated corridors, where you do not feel like in school, but like in a room. Students who are not afraid to be themselves. And especially teachers who enjoy their work and who lead students in the right direction. At ISO, students learn in a fun way through projects, various trips and events. Thanks to this school, I was also able to be part of the DofE program and experience something new and unforgettable. ISO gave me not only great English and lifelong friends, but above all the right mindset for life.

Šárka Humeníková

My first experience with teaching at 1st ISO has already convinced me that this school offers exactly what I am looking for as a teacher – a free and creat...


For me, ISO is one great man’s dream that came true. Mr Petrus started an amazing project that has grown into a blooming educational institution for young...

Andrea Střelcová

VHS tapes about dinosaurs, Once Upon a Time… Life, documentaries narrated by David Attenborough and countless books written by Richard Dawkins. This is how...