
Bsc Management Studies, The University of Nottingham – Business School

30. 5. 2018

I made the decision to study at ISO when I was 15 years old. I knew I need a school that gives me space, understanding and school that believes in its students. But mainly it was the passion, support, and motivation of all teachers who trusted in each single of us. Furthermore, projects pushed us further and required teamwork and understanding of different values and cultures. All of the above helped me when I was deciding which university I will go to. I always loved traveling and for my first year, I have chosen the University of Nottingham-Ningbo China Campus. Last two years I spent in Nottingham, UK. I can tell that it was ISO that was a building block for studying university abroad because it required critical thinking and flexibility. 
Since I was at high school I loved to organize events and that is also my passion last 2 years in London. I am currently working for a dynamic private luxury hotels imperium. And what do I do? I am a reservation manager for over 13 restaurants and bars but also I´m a central operation for excellence team. If I can say it was truly the best decision I have ever made and I know the ISO door is always openedto me. But I also know I will come back home soon to help and develop our home country.

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