I am a person who does not like changes and does not get used to them easily, but once that change is over I am very grateful for the new experience. That&...
My studies at ISO began in 2007. Since I completed elementary school in the Czech Republic and my English skills were limited, the first months at ISO were quite challenging. Not only English itself but overall adaptation to a different system of learning, this all was a jump into the unknown. However, in the course of time,I found that this system enabled me to learn a lot more – I have learned to be independent, creative, and many other things that I have been using in everyday life. Later, I have learned from many of my former elementary classmates that this was what they missed at their secondary schools.
I graduated from the university in the Czech Republic as well. Although, the curriculum was taught in Czech language and focused on international relations, primarily on diplomacy, I drew on the knowledge and experience from ISO. I easily adapted to the Czech system again. And I even dare to say that thanks to my high school, I was in many ways more ready than my classmates from their schools. To mention at least one example, I pretty much enjoyed writing essays and term papers, for which I was most grateful when writing bachelor’s and then master’s thesis. Another advantage was my knowledge of English which was a great help when studying abroad for half a year in Portugal.
I have always been grateful to my studies at the 1st International School of Ostrava for all this. Personal approach all of my wonderful teachers who were not afraid to use different methods of learning, motivate their students, and they were always supportive and let me say also good friends. That is why I recommended this school, with clear conscience, to my brother, who is just about to make a decision which entrance into the adult world to choose.
I am a person who does not like changes and does not get used to them easily, but once that change is over I am very grateful for the new experience. That&...
I joined ISO at the beginning of the ninth grade. And even though I came to a class where everyone had known each other for a few years, I was surprised at...
I made the decision to study at ISO when I was 15 years old. I knew I need a school that gives me space, understanding and school that believes in its stud...