Šárka Humeníková

Czech Language, History

17. 10. 2022

My first experience with teaching at 1st ISO has already convinced me that this school offers exactly what I am looking for as a teacher – a free and creative environment in which a teacher is a partner to the students, working with them to develop their potential and individuality.

As a teacher of history and Czech language and literature, I have an opportunity to introduce students to history and help them understand the causes and consequences of past events, perceive the connection between history, the present and the future, and let them express their opinions openly.

I enjoy working with students to find answers to unusual questions, and I teach them to see social phenomena from new perspectives and to think about them from multiple angles. In literature, in turn, we explore the stories of book heroes, through which students learn about themselves and who they really are…


For me, ISO is one great man’s dream that came true. Mr Petrus started an amazing project that has grown into a blooming educational institution for young...


There’s so much stuff that you get access to once you’ve learned to speak English. There are throngs of TV shows, movies, books, music, and much more that...


My studies at ISO began in 2007. Since I completed elementary school in the Czech Republic and my English skills were limited, the first months at ISO were...