We are different and we are all the same. Let´s stop putting people into boxes. Let´s develop our talents and skills.

27. 11. 2017

We are different and we are all the same. Let´s stop putting people into boxes. Let´s develop our talents and skills. Let´s try something new, let´s do something for ourselves and for the others. There is an opportunity for each of us to join several interesting activities, programmes and events. And let´s appreciate the fantasy and magic world of literature and film.

These were the topics of the school assembly today. They were all nicely connected together and we all learned through our direct integration, that to be it is all right to be different and the same as the others. We acknowledged students who have been engaged a lot in various activities and programmes and whose approach goes beyond their everyday duties, tasks and interests. We offered to be a part of the new school musical, The Duke of Edinburgh´s International Award and to enjoy the 20th anniversary of the first published book about Harry Potter.

Thank you.

Ivo Helebrant
Head of School